The Figure Shows Two Nonconducting Spherical Shells Fixed In Place

The figure shows two nonconducting spherical shells fixed in place, inviting us to delve into the intriguing world of electromagnetism. This arrangement serves as a captivating platform to explore the fundamental principles governing the behavior of electric fields and charges in the presence of nonconducting materials.

Nonconducting spherical shells possess unique electrical properties that profoundly impact the distribution of electric fields and charges. Their significance in physics stems from their ability to isolate and manipulate electric fields, making them indispensable in various applications.

Definisi dan Konteks

Nonconducting chegg spherical figure transcribed

Bola kulit nonkonduktor adalah benda berbentuk bola yang tidak dapat menghantarkan listrik. Bola kulit ini penting dalam fisika karena dapat digunakan untuk membuat kapasitor dan komponen elektronik lainnya. Dalam gambar, dua bola kulit nonkonduktor ditampilkan dalam keadaan diam.

Sifat Listrik: The Figure Shows Two Nonconducting Spherical Shells Fixed In Place

The figure shows two nonconducting spherical shells fixed in place

Bahan nonkonduktor tidak dapat menghantarkan listrik. Sifat ini menyebabkan distribusi medan listrik dan muatan pada bola kulit menjadi berbeda dari bahan konduktor.

Medan Listrik

Susunan bola kulit menciptakan medan listrik. Garis medan listrik berarah dari bola kulit bermuatan positif ke bola kulit bermuatan negatif. Kekuatan medan listrik dapat dihitung menggunakan persamaan berikut:

E = k

q / r2

di mana:

  • E adalah kekuatan medan listrik
  • k adalah konstanta Coulomb
  • q adalah muatan pada bola kulit
  • r adalah jarak dari bola kulit

Kapasitansi, The figure shows two nonconducting spherical shells fixed in place

Kapasitansi adalah ukuran kemampuan suatu sistem untuk menyimpan muatan listrik. Kapasitansi bola kulit dapat dihitung menggunakan persamaan berikut:

C = 4

  • π
  • ε0
  • r 1
  • r 2/ (r 2
  • r 1)

di mana:

  • C adalah kapasitansi
  • ε 0adalah permitivitas ruang hampa
  • r 1adalah jari-jari bola kulit bagian dalam
  • r 2adalah jari-jari bola kulit bagian luar


The figure shows two nonconducting spherical shells fixed in place

Bola kulit nonkonduktor digunakan dalam berbagai aplikasi, termasuk:

  • Kapasitor
  • Transformator
  • Motor listrik
  • Generator

FAQ Resource

What is the significance of nonconducting spherical shells in physics?

Nonconducting spherical shells are significant in physics due to their ability to isolate and manipulate electric fields. They serve as ideal surfaces for studying the behavior of electric charges and fields in a controlled environment.

How does the nonconducting nature of the shells affect the distribution of electric fields?

The nonconducting nature of the shells prevents the flow of electric current, leading to the confinement of electric fields within the space between the shells. This allows for the creation of well-defined electric field patterns that can be analyzed and utilized for various applications.

What is the relationship between the geometry of the shells and the capacitance of the system?

The capacitance of the system is directly proportional to the surface area of the shells and inversely proportional to the distance between them. The larger the surface area and the smaller the distance, the greater the capacitance.